occt: master 7eed5d29

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
emv bugmaster master 2014-01-09 08:01:01 master 547702a1
Changeset 0024470: Wrong result done by General Fuse algorithm.

1. The validity of the intersection point between edge and face is checked with sum of the tolerance values of the edge and face.
2. The intersection between toroidal surface and one of the following surfaces: Plane, Cylinder, Sphere, Cone or Torus
   is treated as analytical in the following cases:
   1) Torus and Plane: a. Axes of the surfaces are parallel;
                       b. Axes of the surfaces are perpendicular and location of the torus is lying on the plane;
   2) Torus and Sphere: The location of the sphere is lying on the line made from toruses axis;
   3) Torus and Cone, Cylinder or Torus: The axis of the surfaces are collinear.
   In all cases the intersection line(s) is(are) circle(s).

Added test cases bugs/modalg_5/bug24470

The intersection between torus with minor radius more than (or equal to) the major radius and any other surface is considered as parametric.
mod - src/BOPAlgo/BOPAlgo_PaveFiller_3.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BOPAlgo/BOPAlgo_PaveFiller_5.cxx Diff File
mod - src/GeomInt/GeomInt_IntSS_1.cxx Diff File
mod - src/GeomInt/GeomInt_LineConstructor.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IntAna/IntAna_QuadQuadGeo.cdl Diff File
mod - src/IntAna/IntAna_QuadQuadGeo.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IntPatch/FILES Diff File
mod - src/IntPatch/IntPatch_ALineToWLine.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IntPatch/IntPatch_ImpImpIntersection.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IntPatch/IntPatch_ImpImpIntersection_1.gxx Diff File
mod - src/IntPatch/IntPatch_ImpImpIntersection_2.gxx Diff File
mod - src/IntPatch/IntPatch_ImpImpIntersection_3.gxx Diff File
add - src/IntPatch/IntPatch_ImpImpIntersection_6.gxx Diff File
mod - src/IntPatch/IntPatch_Intersection.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IntPatch/IntPatch_LineConstructor.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IntSurf/IntSurf_Quadric.cdl Diff File
mod - src/IntSurf/IntSurf_Quadric.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IntSurf/IntSurf_Quadric.lxx Diff File
mod - src/IntTools/IntTools_FaceFace.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IntTools/IntTools_LineConstructor.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_5/bug24470 Diff File