View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010392Open CASCADEOCCT:Modeling Algorithmspublic2012-01-12 15:03
ReporterabvAssigned Toskv 
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Fixed in Version6.1.1 
Summary0010392: Extrema_ExtPC class does not initialize its fields in constructor
Purify reports UMR reports in the method Init() of the class
GeomAPI_ProjectPoiontOnCurve when locally created object of the type
Extrema_ExtPC is copied into the class field.

The reason is that constructors of the class Extrema_ExtPC (which is
instantiation of generic class Extrema_GExtPC) leave most of its fields

Though it seems to be not really critical for code execution, this is bad and
should be fixed
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Test case number


has duplicate 0012831 closedbugmaster Extrema_ExtPC has uninitialized fileds. 


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-10-31 19:31 bugmaster Assigned To bugmaster => mkk
2005-10-31 19:31 bugmaster Status new => assigned
2005-11-01 11:23 mkk Assigned To mkk => jgv
2006-01-10 16:32 mkk Assigned To jgv => skv
2006-08-08 16:16 bugmaster Status assigned => closed
2006-08-08 16:16 bugmaster Resolution @0@ => duplicate
2011-08-02 11:31 bugmaster Category OCCT:MOA => OCCT:Modeling Algorithms
2012-01-12 15:03 ysn Description Updated