occt: master 9f33b387

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
ibs bugmaster master 2014-09-18 11:22:02 master 8aeeca44
Affected Issues  0024888: Refactoring of OCCT CMake meta-project
Changeset 0024888: Refactoring of OCCT CMake meta-project

user sees just dirs of libs, shared libs and headers of 3rdparty products
documentation updated

3rdparty search priority was fixed: 1. user paths; 2. system paths
3rdparty debug usage fixed
vtk search introduced
occt information, generated by wok, was divided onto two files: occt_toolkits.cmake and occt_inc_toolkits.cmake
additional behavior of cmake search for freetype 2.5.1 and above

CMake (version < 3.0) don't know about new place of config/ftheader.h in freetype 2.5.1. There are cases when cmake seeks config/ftheader.h in defined place (3RDPARTY_FREETYPE_DIR variable), doesn't find it and start new search in system places. If system has own freetype header- cmake will find it and 3RDPARTY_FREETYPE* variables will point to different places. This situation is avoided

tcl, freetype, vtk are checked before usage of it (CSF variables usage)
tbb search mechanism was refactored
freetype search is processed by default cmake mechanism
tcl search is processed by default cmake mechanism

3rdparty macro seeks debug libraries (and release if debug ones aren't found); 3rdparty dll is sought in win case only


gendoc.bat search for tclsh.exe in user's system

0025141: CMake / MinGW: link recipe fails due to long command

0025146: Porting to Android

OCCT documentation updated. "Building with CMake and ADT for Android" article added

[CMAKE] custom.sh.in uses library variables instead unused dll ones.


hide unused 3rdparty in android case

also messages of freetype search mechanism slightly updated
add - adm/templates/3rdparty_macro.cmake Diff File
mod - adm/templates/custom.bat.in Diff File
mod - adm/templates/custom.bat.main Diff File
mod - adm/templates/custom.sh.in Diff File
mod - adm/templates/custom.sh.main Diff File
mod - adm/templates/env.bat.in Diff File
mod - adm/templates/env.sh.in Diff File
add - adm/templates/freeimage.cmake Diff File
add - adm/templates/freeimageplus.cmake Diff File
add - adm/templates/freetype.cmake Diff File
add - adm/templates/gl2ps.cmake Diff File
add - adm/templates/glx.cmake Diff File
add - adm/templates/occt_defs_flags.cmake Diff File
add - adm/templates/occt_macros.cmake Diff File
add - adm/templates/opencl.cmake Diff File
mod - adm/templates/tbb.cmake Diff File
mod - adm/templates/tcl.cmake Diff File
mod - CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - dox/dev_guides/building/android/android.md Diff File
add - dox/dev_guides/building/android/images/android_image001.png Diff File
add - dox/dev_guides/building/android/images/android_image002.png Diff File
add - dox/dev_guides/building/android/images/android_image003.png Diff File
add - dox/dev_guides/building/android/images/android_image004.png Diff File
add - dox/dev_guides/building/android/images/android_image005.png Diff File
add - dox/dev_guides/building/android/images/android_image006.png Diff File
add - dox/dev_guides/building/android/images/android_image007.png Diff File
add - dox/dev_guides/building/android/images/android_image008.png Diff File
add - dox/dev_guides/building/android/images/android_image009.png Diff File
add - dox/dev_guides/building/android/images/android_image010.png Diff File
mod - dox/dev_guides/building/building.md Diff File
mod - dox/dev_guides/building/cmake/cmake.md Diff File
rm - dox/dev_guides/building/cmake/images/cmake_image006.png Diff File
mod - dox/FILES_HTML.txt Diff File
mod - dox/overview/overview.md Diff File
mod - gendoc.bat Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/01_Geometry/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/02_Modeling/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/03_Viewer2d/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/04_Viewer3d/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/05_ImportExport/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/06_Ocaf/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/07_Triangulation/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/08_HLR/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/09_Animation/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/10_Convert/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/mfcsample/CMakeLists.txt Diff File